Whether You Got Elected to an Officer Role for the First Time, or Have Been Re-elected and Need a Refresher, Here Is a Guide to Your Leadership Team of Knights.
- Serves as spiritual advisor to your council’s Knights (and their families).
- Provides a spiritual message to Knights during council meetings.
- Presides over all meetings.
- Appoints program and membership directors.
- Appoints committees as needed.
- Countersigns checks and orders for payment.
- Assists the grand knight with operation of the council and any other duties assigned to him by the grand knight.
- Presides at council meetings in the absence of the grand knight.
- Serves on the council’s Retention Committee (Recommended, but not required).
- Responsible for encouraging members’ participation in council programs. Assists the grand knight and deputy grand knight with their duties.
- Serves on the council’s Admission Committee (Recommended, but not required).
- Collects dues from members. Responsible for sending billing notices and initiating retention measures.
- Ensures that the council membership records are updated and that new members sign the constitutional roll.
- Files various reports and membership/insurance transactions with the Supreme Council Office.
- Responsible for completing and submitting the proper Form 990 (U.S. only).
- Keeps the seal of the council and affixes it to membership cards, resolutions and other official documents as necessary.
- Responsible for keeping and maintaining a record of council meetings and maintains all correspondence of the council.
- Oversees all council communications and social media pages (Recommended, but not required).
- Oversees council calendar (Recommended, but not required).
- Responsible for handling council funds.
- Receives money from financial secretary and deposits it in the proper council accounts.
- Responsible for paying all council expenses, including assessments from the Supreme Council.
- Responsible for providing suitable educational and entertaining programs during the “Good of the Order” section of council meetings.
- Acts as parliamentarian for the council.
- Should have a working knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order, Charter, Constitution & Laws, council by-laws and Method of Conducting Council Meetings (#10318).
- Responsible for seeking legal assistance from the state advocate when necessary.
- Responsible for supervising and maintaining all council property.
- Sets up council chambers for meetings and degree exemplifications.
- Oversees inside and outside guards.
- Attends the doors of the council chamber, checks current membership cards and allows entrance.
- Assist warden with his responsibilities.
- Supervises all financial business of the council and conducts semiannual audits.
- Works with the grand knight in scheduling council programs.
- Manages chairmen and other Knights responsible for implementing the council’s programs and activities.
- Keeps accurate records of council programs for reporting on the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) , (#1728A) and Columbian Award Application (SP-7).
- Keeps council’s public relations chairman informed of all programs for promotion.
Family | Faith | Life | Community |
- Collaborates with the grand knight on council membership goals.
- Manages the Recruitment Committee, Retention Committee and Insurance Promotion Committee.
- Plans and coordinates the council’s schedule of recruitment programs.
- Creates and updates the new member plan, guiding Knights through the first months and year of membership.
- Contacts members in danger of being suspended and discusses their reasons for decreased activity.
- Examines reasons why Knights become inactive and plans attractive programs to reengage the council’s membership.